International Book Distributors

Dehradun, Uttarakhand.(India)

Ayurveda- God's Manual for Healing

Authors : Chauhan, Vikram
ISBN : 81-7089-363-1
Published Year : 2009
Pages : pp.122+iv



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This book is meant for people interested to know about basics of Ayurvedi healing.It is useful for Ayurveda students as well as general public.

Ayurvedia is age old healing system of India and recognized by WHO.There are many miraculous cures explained in Ayurveda.Ayurveda uses herbs, minerals, metals, massages of various types, internal cleansing, yoga, breathing techniques. Laws of Ayurvedic healing are eternal as they are based on laws of nature.Ayurveda lays more emphasis on providing inner strength to the healing forces of the body. It is a manual of instructions given by God himself about how to live a long, health and happy life.