International Book Distributors

Dehradun, Uttarakhand.(India)


Authors : Khati, A.S.
ISBN : 818673814-2
Published Year : 2006
Pages : pp. 1024. Fully Colored, With many Colored Maps & Figures.



Price includes all taxes.

In a unique Endeavour “Encyclopedia Indica” is a comprehensive, master crafted creation with potential to turn into an essential compendium. It is Embellished with comprehensive range of topics, including subject of relevance in the millennium such as art, business, economics, information technology, environment, human resources development events, politics, social issues, science and technology, sustainable Ecotourism, employment, infrastructure, services etc. It portrays an unique encyclopedia, a compendium of A-Z details on India, Indian affairs and related issues biographies, covering 1000 pages, embellished with variety of entries, including chronological events and This compilation provides most authentic, up-to-date and rare information and has also incorporated emerging issues in the coming millennium drawing attention of Indians and their government simultaneously. Excluding the exclusive features already mentioned Encyclopedia Indica contains, statistical information, detailed maps, graphs, charts Highlights etc the real jewels in its crown.
In brief “Encyclopedia Indica” is a compact compendium of information, reassuring useful information in readable writing style.