International Book Distributors

Dehradun, Uttarakhand.(India)

Environmental Crisis in India

Authors : Chadha, S.K.
ISBN : 81-7089-179-5
Published Year : 1992
Pages : pp.154



Price includes all taxes.

Conserving the fragile Himalayas; 2. Health hazards from environmental chemicals; 3. Ecological impact of oil spill during the gulf war 4. Conserving the forest 5. Overpopulatio. An environmental concern 6. The role of woman in maintaining environment 7. Environmental significance of ozone layer 8. Rhinoceros- A symbol of strength 9. Conservation of Himalayan wildlife 10. Population resources and environment 11. Morphology, Genesis and taxonomy of some soil in Toposequence under conifer in Central Himalayas 12. An environmental concern of Chilka lake in Orissa 13. Save the great Indian Bustard 14. Unintended victims of the Gulf War 15. Conserving the life- A case history of Amphibians and reptiles 16. Differential acculturation due to environmental and economic factors : A study of the Himalayan communities 17. Being the wild to wildlife 18. An environmental threat of a crowded world.