International Book Distributors

Dehradun, Uttarakhand.(India)

Wheat in India: its Production, Varieties and Improvement

Authors : Howard, A., Howard, G.L.C.
Republished Year : 1979
Pages : pp. vii+288, many plates, figs & maps



Price includes all taxes.

The book has been reprinted due to being useful to all interested in various aspects of wheat production in India. The work is divided in three sections. Section 1. Production of wheat in India contains 11 chapters i.e. Distribution and Area, Soils, irrigation, Mixed crops, Cultivation, Disposal of produce, Aspects of trade in Indian wheat and experiments. Section 2. Disease of wheat in India is in IV Chapters i.e. Wheat rusts, other fungold disease of wheat, disease caused by insects and damage due to other causes. Section 3. Improvement of Indian Wheat dealing with recent investigations, seed distribution, Production of new and improved varieties and testing of varieties. The book contains 12 plates and 7 maps of various states of India.