The book gives information about nurseries and plantation techniques of the species in general, with special and detailed reference to 100 important Indian Forest Tree species; briefly covering Bamboos and Tropical Pines. The object of this publication is to familiarise the foresters as well as other enterprising individuals, voluntary organizations and institutions, involved in tree planting activities, under various afforestation schemes. Each of the 100 species is dealt with, Distribution: Particulars about Seed(e.g. time and methods of collection, storage, weight, pre-sowing treatment, germination capacity and plant percent, etc.). Nursery Technique : Methods of Natural and Artificial Propagation. Tending: Rate of Growth: Injuries (biotic and Climatic) to which liable: Silvicultural Characters, Utilization and Management, in brief, under a general paragraph.
A Chapter on Forest Types of India has also been added, particularly for the benefit of Forestry Students. It is hoped that the book will serve as a useful reference and guide for the Students of Forestry at the Forest Colleges as well as the Agricultural Universities, and also for the personnel engaged in tree planting.