Distribution of Salvinia; depletion of water resources and hindrance to water use by Salvinia; Environmental impact of Salvinia; control of Salvinia; Utilisation of Salvinia; Anaerobic digestion; Feasibility studies on Salvinia …
Environmental impact of non-conventional energy sources; Solar energy technologies & their environmental impacts; Rural energy Management: Energy forecasting A diagnosing failure & examining criteria for the future; Solar …
Meliolaceous fungi are commonly known as black or dark mildews. In contrast to the saprophytic sooty moulds, these are the obligate biotrophic parasites and are host specific, flourish in tropics. Beeli in 1920 was the first to …
1. Introduction; 2. Taxonomy; 3. Ascomycetes: (i) Erysiphales; (ii) Meliolales; (iii) Phyllachorales; (iv) Clavicipitales; (v) Asterinales; (v) Dothideales; 4. Basidiomycetes; (i) Uredinales; (ii) Ustilaginales; 5. …
A Comprehensive account of those articles which are employed by the Hindoos in medicine, Arts and Agriculture.
A concise and in-depth presentation of 611 Ayurvedic drugs, under Sanskrit heading. Description includes common Sanskrit synonyms used in Ayurvedic formulations, updated Botanical nomenclature, Family, Malayalam, English, Hindi, …
Let there be forest: now and forever; Tree planting as a solution to local problems; Tree planting as a national endeavour; Topics in planning forestation projects; Learning from failure; Towards a global forestation strategy.
Forest management has drawn attention of ecologists and foresters since long and its importance in sustainable resource utilization pattern has been well recognized. This subject is now well diversified and research is in …
The book entitled "Forestry: At a Glance" attempts to tackle this moving target by furnishing a good overview of the forestry background, outlining a range of current technologies and discussing a wide variety of …
The forest and environment of India are under pressure from the rising population, leading into over exploitation, massive deforestation and other natural calamities on account of ecological imbalances, threatening the life …
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