1. Food supplies, nutrition and plant breeding; 2. Physiological Potential of crop production; 3. Crop genetic resources; 4. Current breeding methods; 5. Crop adaptation; 6. Resistance to pests and diseases; 7. Opportunities and …
Flora of British India covers moderate brief description, ordinal, generic and specific of the flowering plants and ferns found within the erstwhile British territories in India including Kashmir and Western Tibet. The book has 7 …
This book is in three volumes. Deals with comprehensive discriptions of natural system of classification of phanerogames-dicotyledons are discussed first then Gymnosperms finally monocotyledons. All divided into subclasses and …
The photo-micrographs here included have been arranged on an alphabetical catalogue of all those timbers which are in common use, and are X 10 throughout. It is hoped to follow this by a supplement, since it has been found …
The book has been reprinted due to being useful to all interested in various aspects of wheat production in India. The work is divided in three sections. Section 1. Production of wheat in India contains 11 chapters i.e. …
This book aims at providing a concise and accurate account of the birds of Burma (Myanmar), written in non- technical language in response to the universal demand for “Something not too scientific”. At the same time, …
Poverty in rural areas, particularly in developing country has been a subject of many theories and research. This book tries to investigate the interconnections between poverty and 'vulnerability'. The …
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