The photo-micrographs here included have been arranged on an alphabetical catalogue of all those timbers which are in common use, and are X 10 throughout. It is hoped to follow this by a supplement, since it has been found …
Focusing on those poisonous plant species with a broad geographic distribution and the greatest economic effect, the contributor to this interdisciplinary volume examine the environmental factors that promote or encourage …
Part 1: The foundations of forest management- Chapter 1) Preliminary matters relating to the regulation of the yield; Chapter 2) Relations between the growing stock, Increment and yield; Chapter 3) Silvicultural systems in …
1. Basic statistics of Bhutan 2. Forest and Forest resources 3. Organisation of the forest department 4. Forestry development in Bhutan 5. Silviculture and management notes 6.Afforestation 7. Forest management 8. Forest fire …
This book is the outcome of my decade long studies on the Valley of Flowers. The ethereal and beautiful Valley of Flowers was notified as a National Park in 1982, and since then it has been caught in a strange controversy. The …
A comprehensive Flora of Assam as a botanical unit has 5 Volumes. Vol. I (Ranunculaceae to Anacardeaceae), Vol.II (Leguminaceae to Cornaceae), Vol.III (Caprifoliaceae to Labiate), Vol.IV (Nyctaginaceae to Cycadaceae) and Vol. V …
The present book, being a revised and enlarged edition of the forest flora of the Siwalik and Jaunsar forest divisions, U.P. by U.N. Kanjilal, is the 3rd Ed. by Basant Lal Gupta. The alternations made in the present edition are …
The nature of quantitative plant ecology and vegetation science; The description of vegetation in the field; The nature and properties of vegetation data; Basic statistical analysis of vegetation and environmental data; …
The Title provides rare inputs about James Edward Corbett, better known to the world as Jim Corbett, whom many of us remember as the pioneer conservationist. Fact prevails that Jim too started with the Universal Journey to the …
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