International Book Distributors

Dehradun, Uttarakhand.(India)

The fungi constitute second largest group of organisms in the world after insects. With the liberalization of import and export of large quantities of agricultural, horticultural and forest tree material, the risk of spread of …


India is one of the 18 mega biodiversity countries and contains 2 hotspots such as Western Ghats and Eastern Himalayas. In Western Ghats, the Nilgiris is considered to be the repository of genetic stock of wild plants and …


Chronological History of Plants (Man's record)


Flora of  Syria, Palestine & Sinai


1 Introduction to tropical rain forest;  2 Tropical forest: patterns of depletion; 3 Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Basin measured by Satellite imagery; 4 Tropical Forest: interactions with the atmosphere; 5 Amazon …


This book deals with the fungi of Chandigarh and its surrounding areas. The book describes with illustration fungi belonging to Myxomycetes (Myxomycota) and Saprolegniaceae, Saprolegniales (Oomycota).


This book consists of detail investigation of 1500 fungal collection made during 1979-1983. This comprehensive work deals with 306 species under 138 genera and is the first of its kind on the systematic and ecology of fungi of …


This journal covers reports, useful experiments and field trials in agronomy, Agricultural economics, Agricultural engineering, Indian Agricultural development, New Agricultural Production Strategy, Irrigation, Horticulture, …


1.The structure, development and phylogeny of inflorescence (Syconium) of Ficus racimosa; 2. Vegetation of Sheopur Forest Division, Madhya Pradesh; 3. Histological and Histochemical studies on the suspensor of some legumes; 4. …


Soil and climate- 1. Conservative behavior in the response of crops to water and light; 2. Atmospheric CO2, global carbon fluxes and the biosphere; 3. Nitrogen influence on the physiology of crop yield; 4. On scale problems in …


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