“Plantation Forestry in India” is marvelous piece of work after “General Silviculture for India”. The volumes contains all the essential information needed by a plantation manager or a Forester …
This book consists 15 chapters and deals with various aspects of genetics and silviculture of teak that highlight present scenario and silvicultural management of natural forest/plantation (Chapter 1-2), production of improved …
1) Introduction; 2) Afforestation in Britain; 3) Afforestation in the Republic in the Ireland; 4) Afforestation in Denmark; 5) Hungary; 6) Afforestation policy and Practice in Spain; 7) Afforestation in Algeria; 8) Afforestation …
This volume deals with description of families, genera and species of flowering plants which are found in wild as well as in cultivated stage with illustrations. The region covered includes not only the city of Madras but also …
This work deals with comprehensive descriptions of fossil shells, poisonous fossils, birds, Mammalia, Reptiles, Remarks on plants and medicinal plants from India and abroad, Experimental researches in electricity, …
1 Introduction 2.1 Graminae 1.1 Maize (Zea mays) 2.1.1 Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) 2.1.3 Pearl Millet (Pennisetum americanum) 2.1.4 Rice (Oryza sativa) 2.1.5 Wheat (Triticum aestivum) 3.11 Solanacea 11.1 Tobacco …
The subject of forest utilization deals principally with the process of harvesting, converting, disposing and utilization of forest produce and other sources of forests. The need for a book on the subject has long been felt. The …
This book is a depictive account of the major Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) of India, which provide livelihood support to millions of Indians. The study of NTFPs was a neglected chapter in Indian science in recent past. In …
The book deals with 581 species available and its indigenous uses in Koraput region. The enumeration is mainly based on the Bentham & Hooker's (1862-1883) classification and subsequent delimitation of families under …
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